Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My First Idealistic Post


This is not my first blog, but my third. I made this blog to post all my ideas, my aspirations, my suggestions, my views and opinions, as well as my rants and whines, for a better world!

Yup! For a better world - at least in my own opinion.

So here how this blog will work:

  1. First, I will post a situation/problem.
  2. Then, I will my post my utopia!
  3. Then, my omega (end note)
The term "utopia" originated from a 1516 book entitled Utopia by Sir Thomas More. Now, the term means more of an ideal society or community. Through this blog, I will attempt to create a utopia out of my silly mind. Also, I will use the term utopia here in the blog to refer to my ideals.

So hang on and wait for my future posts - my utopias.

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